Thursday, April 30, 2015

The "More Money May" Challenge

For April, I issued myself the 100-Miles Challenge, and many others joined me--and kicked some serious ass, so great job to everyone who met/exceeded their goals. Many people have even asked me if we could do another challenge for the miles, and I am all for it, even if unofficial. Let's do it!

For May, I wanted to focus on financial goals as the primary challenge, so I decided in early April that the challenge for May would be to Save $500, NOT including any of the retirement account transfers/deductions. I thought of the phrase "More Money May" the other day, and thought it was perfect, so that is what the challenge will be called.

Here is where I currently stand so I know if I hit my goal or not:

-Currently about $2115 combined in all non-retirement savings accounts, so by the end of May, to meet goal would be at least $2615.
-About $70/week is automatically deposited into savings from my paycheck (none from Shaun's since is still currently unemployed), so that is about $280/month so far.
-With some Smart Decisions, we are able to save $22 off bills we didn't need, so that brings it to about $300 automatically saved every month. Which is actually more than I thought was occurring, so that's great.  Now to bump it even higher!

So with that, I have to make up about $200 to hit the $500 challenge I set. I guess it's time I start using some of  my own advice, hmm?

Would you like to join me with your own "More Money May" challenge? Whether your personal challenge is $500, or you're well ahead of me and challenge yourself to way more (GO YOU), or even if you're just starting out and challenge yourself to something smaller--it all counts. The biggest point is to make sure that you choose something that is challenging for YOUR current situation. I'd love to help cheer you on as you're working on the challenge. Comment below with your challenge and let's tackle this!

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